Special X-Ray investigations

Spectra imaging is doing all kind of special X ray investigations which are done in Jaipur at very few diagnostic centres only.
We are doing all these special investigations with more precision and very less radiation dose compare to other centres.
Spectra imaging is providing best comfort to patient by making them painless with minimal waiting time.
Prior appointment is necessary in these investigations as all are done by a team of doctor and experienced X ray technician. 

IVP/IVU (Intravenous Pyelogram)

3500(Book now just in Rs.- 2700)

RGU (retrograde cystourethrogram)

2000(Book now just in Rs.- 1800)

MCU (Micturating cystourethrography)

2000(Book now just in Rs.- 1800)

T-tube cholangiogram

3000(Book now just in Rs.- 2500)

HSG (Hysterosalpingogram)

3000(Book now just in Rs.- 2500)


3000(Book now just in Rs.- 2500)

Barium swallow

2000(Book now just in Rs.- 1800)

Barium meal upper GI

2500(Book now just in Rs.- 2000)

Barium meal follow through (BMFT)

3000(Book now just in Rs.- 2500)

Barium meal follow through with delayed colon

3500(Book now just in Rs.- 2700)

Barium enema double contrast

3500(Book now just in Rs.- 2700)


3000(Book now just in Rs.- 2500)


3500(Book now just in Rs.- 2700)


3500(Book now just in Rs.- 2700)

Gastrografin contrast swallow study

4000(Book now just in Rs.- 3200)

Gastrografin contrast meal study

4000(Book now just in Rs.- 3200)

Gastrografin contrast meal follow through study

4500(Book now just in Rs.- 4000)

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